Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Brüser

30419 Hannover

Focus in research and teaching
- Transport of folded proteins by the bacterial Tat pathway
- Enzymology of periplasmic pyoverdine maturation
- Phage holins, their regulation and mechanism
- Membrane stress and the phage shock response
- Periplasmic pyoverdine maturation and modification
- Bacterial chaperone systems
- Membrane protein complexes
- Microbial cell biology
- Anaerobic respirations
- Bacterial photosynthesis pathways
Curriculum vitae
Professional background
2002-2009: Research group leader at the University of Halle-Wittenberg
Since Oct. 2009: Full professor (W3) at the Leibniz University Hannover
Prof. Thomas Brüser studied Biology (Biochemistry, Genetics, Organic Chemistry) at the University of Cologne and the University of Sussex (Brighton, UK) from 1989 to 1994.
1995-1999: PhD studies at the University of Bonn
1999: PhD in Microbiology: “Enzymology of oxidative sulfur metabolism: Biochemistry and genetics of bacterial APS:phosphate adenylyl transferases”
2000-2001: Postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA): Cytochrome cbb3 biogenesis in Rhodobacter capsulatus and Tat-dependent protein translocation in Escherichia coli
2006: Habilitation in Microbiology: “Tat-dependent transport of proteins across biological membranes”
2000: PhD award of the German Society of General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM)
2007: Christian-Wolff-Award of the University of Halle-Wittenberg