People at the Institute of Microbiology

Staff directory: people at our institute

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Astrid Rischmüller, M. A.

Executive Director

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Brüser

IT Representatives

Safety Officers

Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Stolle


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Brüser
Prof. Dr. Marcus Andreas Horn
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Natalia Tschowri
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kürsad Turgay

Research Staff

Marc-Nicolas Bendisch, M. Sc.
Hester Elisabeth van Dijk, M. Sc.
Dr. rer. nat. Denise Mehner-Breitfeld
Stephan Rohrbach, M. Sc.
Dr. Jana Katharina Schniete
Jan Michel Frederik Schwarzkopf, M. Sc.
Dr. rer. nat. Mary Labib Kamel Labib Shenouda
Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Stolle
Ruth Paola Viveros, M.Sc.
Johanna Dorothea Vogler, M. Sc.

Lecturing Staff

Dr. rer. nat. Wulf Oehlmann

Emeritus/Retired Professors

Georg Auling

Doctoral Candidates

Scholarship Holders

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