Main Research Areas: Institute of Microbiology

In the Institute of Microbiology (IFMB) located at the campus "Hannover-Herrenhausen" three working groups are focussing on "General Microbiology/ Microbial Biochemistry", "Cellular Microbiology/ Microbial Signaltransduction" and "Ecological Microbiology/ Environmental Microbiology".
In addtion the institute is closely collaborating in the topic " Proteases and chaperones and their role for protein quality control and regulation in Bacillus subtilis" with Prof. Kürsad Turgay at the Max Planck Institution for science of pathogenes in Berlin, Germany. Furthermore, the research group of Prof. Axel Schippers in Geomicrobiology & Hydrometallurgy (Federal institute for geological sciences and ressources (BGR, Hannover, Germany) is connected with the IFMB.
Microbial ecology of natural and engineered systems

Research in the group of Prof. Dr. Horn:
- Global change microbiology – greenhouse gas metabolism
- Microbial ecology of methanotrophs and their impact on methane sinks
- Biotechnology
- Bioremediation and circular economy
- Micro- Macrooorganism interactions
- Regulation of soil microbial biodiversity and ecological theory
Cellular microbiology

Research in the group of Prof. Dr. Tschowri:
- Cyclic di-GMP signalling and regulation in bacterial cell differentiation
- Cyclic di-AMP enzymes and effectors in Streptomyces stress response
- Bacterial multicellularity and cell fate decisions
- Nukleotide signals in bacterial carbon storage
- Small molecule signalling in Streptomyces’ cell division