Prof. Dr. Marcus Andreas Horn
30419 Hannover
Focus in research an teaching
Marcus A. Horn gained his diploma in biology at the University of Bayreuth. During his PhD in the group of Prof. Harold L. Drake, he worked on the topic "Mikrobiologie der N2O-Bildung im Darm von Regenwürmern (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae)" which he finished with summa cum laude. Afterwards, he was hired as associated professor at the University of Bayreuth in the ecological microbiology and worked at the University of Vienna as a visiting scientist. His habilitation was about "Microbial Metabolism of Atmospheric Trace Gases in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Implications for Global Warming" which was the foundation for his professorship in Bayreuth in the ecological microbiology. Finally, started his recent position as professor in soil microbiology at the Leibniz University Hannover in 2016.